Mind The Net

Saturday, March 19, 2005

WE3 No Home

I just read the most amazing story. By Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely. A friend who's opinion I trust suggested it and loaned it to me. I thought, this is silly, why would a story like this work? It's crazy. And then I got into it. After just a few pages, I was completely hooked. There are three short comics that she loaned me and they are astounding. Not just the artwork, but the writing and the work that went into them. . . someone thought long and hard about this. I'm still so in shock that I can't look at my own cats the same way. You'll see what I mean.


Friday, March 18, 2005

Crazy Times II

I'm only documenting this stuff, in case I will need it in court one day. But in 'crazy times', I spoke of receiving a card from someone that I hadn't spoken with since what I now know to be Feb 22nd. A woman, I did not want a relationship with. Well, even after the 'go away' conversation - there was no break up, you can't break up if you're not seeing someone - she's been contacting me. I got the card on Monday. Last night- thursday- I received a text message. . . hmm how do I explain this one, well it was in reference to our first meeting, which was on Halloween of last year, where I was disguised as Green Lantern, I should never have taken off my mask! RRR. The text message came on St. Patricks Day at around 20:46, I was not here, not that I would have responded. It read:

"All these people dressed in green, have me thinkn of a certain superhero! Hope ur well"

Granted, it seems harmless. But it's also indicative of the fact that she's still, as she said, 'thinkin' of a certain someone. It's creepy. How do you get someone to stop trying to contact you? I did not answer, I will never do that. Even if all I want to say is 'GO AWAY'.

I even have her number in my phonebook under, 'Don't Answer!'. I can't delete the number, because then after a time I may not recognize it and pick up if she calls. I don't usually forget numbers, but I want to be on the safe side.

That's it, that's all I have today. Except that I'm doing a radio drama at the CBC in about an hour. I should have been at the gym all this time. Oh well. Later. If you're an actor in Toronto, things are picking up. I have two auditions tonight, one right after my booking at the CBC, so I'm prepared to have to be calling around rescheduling in case we go overtime. After this It will have been four, maybe five auditions this week. Very nice. And I'm doing Actor demos, need to do up a little flyer.
If you need a demo done, call me, email me. I work for pretty cheap. I give you copies on VHS and DVD, about the only thing i don't do is labels. I'm not a printer, I'm an editor damnit.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Red Ape/White Ape

So Chimps and humans share 98.4 % of their DNA, not like in a P2P network, but that's how much of their DNA is identical to ours, obviously that 1.6% difference is huge in how it is expressed. Well, now there's a fellow who says, 'Nope. Orangutans are closer', he's come to this conclusion using characteristics that we have in common instead of how close the DNA says we are. He also says, Orangs have much more in common with us! Here's an exerpt:

The view presented here is that genetic similarity of base pair sequences is not a necessary measure of phylogenetic relationship and that morphology continues to exist as an independently reliable source of information on evolutionary relationships. The orangutan model presents a conundrum for biological systematics over how to chose between morphological and genetic evidence when they are in conflict.

Also, look at Europe go! Finding surprises all over Mars. . . possibility of life? Let's wait and see!

And Cassini says, Saturns' moon has a significant atmosphere ! Way too much stuff happening to keep tabs on but I will try.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Rage against the machine. . . washable?!

I got on the streetcar today to head home from Spadina Station. . . and I got on it with a group of foreign exchange kids. . . they were from the planet 'Don't Bathe Today' and they stunk up the entire car! I opened as many windows as I could, as subtly as I could--being Canadian (read diplomatic, unless you're thinking of Chretien) I didn't want to offend them, even though they offended me. I mean what's wrong with it? Bathing. You don't have to waste water. If you have a skin condition, okay you're out don't worry. Use deodorant though. Wash your hair every couple of days, not once a week or month. And I'm not blaming any particular race of people, these kids were from all over the world. I know Europeans aren't usually as neurotic as we are. . . but why does that mean that those of us with particularly sensitive schnauzes have to put up with their assault?!

I couldn't believe it. Brush your teeth, stinky. Wash your hands after you wipe. Clean your asses. Something. Please.


Oh my God, I hadn't realized. I inadvertantly linked to hitchhikers guide to the galaxy and out of curiousity, you know to see more movie pictures or something ---aw hell, the new trailer is up! the new trailer is up! Run don't walk!

link!! (same as last post :-/ )

End of the World as we know it, or is it the beginning?

String Theory, theory of everything, M theory. Been around for years and years and hasn't found anything. Or has it? A lot of people in both camps. I personally, having been acquainted with a String Theorist of some mental power, am an advocate and won't mind waiting until this big Hadron thingy is built in 2007. But there are others, who find short cuts to the answers to Life the Universe and Everything.

So long and thanks for all the fish.

Since I'm linking so much in this post, remember this show? It took the idea of parallel universes, which is what string theory postulates, and plugged it into pop culture with some startling results, chief among those is Jerry O'connells career. Just kidding, as a kid he had another show even!

Does anyone else think the word 'theory' looks wrong after several spellings?

Monday, March 14, 2005

Crazy Times

Bad enough I had to go to the doctor today to have my nuts grabbed because of my triple nut action. . . which technically has gone up to 4 now! Eh? Ladies, how about it. . . how many dudes you know with four nuts! Think of the sperm production! I guess it depends on the demographic I'm talking to, if that's attractive or not.

Well, then I get home and . . . this is actually an addendum to a post that never was. A while back I started the N-ergy Suckers posts and promised a second one. . . well, I never really got it written in such a way that it was presentable. And now. . . well, I got a card in the mail from a woman, I stopped seeing oh, I don't know two months ago? I wasn't even seeing her! Now she's got me saying it. I went out with her a couple of times . . . but fuck. Well, it's much more complicated than that and I may or may not post that here. I'm thinking of making the entire story available as a pdf for all the world to see. . . just the beginning. I need to document all of my experiences of the last six months and then the last decade. It's made for exciting story telling, should make for a good collection of stories. I even have an editor to help! We'll see how that all comes together.

Today . . . I get a card in the mail. I opened it in case it was filled with surveillance photos of me and many other women and a note saying, 'I see what you're doing. How could you cheat on me like this?' or something equally delusional. . . and it's an unsigned, unwritten on card, and it reads "love yourself", the inside it reads, "You, more than anyone else, deserve your love and affection." apparently the Buddha said this. Also as apparent, this woman took my inability to want her as a sign that I'm not doing something right. Look I tried to be nice to you, but I just didn't want you or a relationship and you knew this all along, it's got nothing to do with how much or how little I love myself. That's my fucking business, so don't presume to tell me what I need to do or to teach me something because you're so completely delusional. Good Lord. She doesn't read this blog, doesn't know it exists so I'm just talking at the air, even more ridiculous!

I feel very sad for her, that she's thinking all these things and feeling all these things that I never felt for her. Every time I said something nice, she took it to mean I was her boyfriend. Another friend of mine tells me it's like a school girl, if a boy goes out with you, you're all like, 'Yay, I have a boyfriend!'. Well, this woman was no child. . . but in a way I guess. I don't know. I sure hope she finds someone to fill that gap in her heart she so desparately wanted me to fill.

Also, I'm just glad that the card was so benign a thing to send. It means she's nuts, just not evil nuts which would be worse.
It's her closure I guess. To tell me that I need to love myself. What enrages me is that it's because I don't agree with her view of what love and relationships are or should be!! I don't agree with you, it doesn't mean I need help. I have my reasons for hating the things you value most. And they're fucking good reasons. Also, they're MY reasons and no you can't know what they are. It's not your right to delve into my privacy. I really hate people that presume they have a right to your private things, because of something you've said or done. Intimacy should be offered, not expected. Grow up. I still sound so mad. . . Welll, I learned my lesson. I can sniff out the needy ones now, always have been able to, but next time ( I didn't want there to be a this time) I'll nip it in the bud, hard and fast.