Mind The Net

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Flipper. . . bionic?

Well, this story is pretty awesome in scope. You have to read the article and look at the photo.
It's amazing. Japanese innovation does it again!


Thursday, November 18, 2004

Writer's block

Gotta do something fun on the weekend. Any suggestions? Going to a movie with an old roomie, a birthday party of a friends later, but want to do something really cool in between. . . maybe the AGO. Or a really chilly boat ride. I do live near the water. Opera. . . I've always wanted to be pretentious and go to the opera. I'll have to look that up.

Great article for busting out of Writer's Block

Hope everyone is well.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Griddled Virgin

I'm not kidding. This is a must see link! (thanks boing boing)

Sandwiche from Heaven