Mind The Net

Friday, July 02, 2004

Roughing it

So I'm doing Shakespeare in the Rough, that's the company name and an apropos description. We'll be in Withrow park all summer long, I'm Sir Thurio in The Two Gentlemen of Verona. . . Vaudville style. It sounds scary, but it actually seems like it will work. Some very talented people are involved. So I'll be writing less as I have more of my time dedicated to rehearsals! Didn't even read the news today. . . one sec.

Here's something cool: Free Comix

For mature readers only: Poor Alec

That last one's a kicker. . . weird weird people out there in the world. One last one. . . an old goodie.

Remember this? : Staying Young

Tuesday, June 29, 2004


Now this is funny! And perhaps a bit sad. Okay there's a great deal of sadness here. I saw a bit of this interview, some station played it here, man was he irritable! LOL, serves you right jackass.

He speaks-barely!

Fringe Show!

There are a lot of shows about to open in Toronto's Annual Fringe Festival! Here's one that you should definitely get out to see.

"DOLORES" which opens this Thursday July 1, 2004 at 9:30pm, at the Tarragon extra space. Tickets $8
If you need more information you can call the fringe hotline at 416-966-1062 or visit www.fringetoronto.com or contact Katerina either by email or call, 416-425-3189.

The two extremely talented performers are Katerina Taxia and Melissa Bourne, I can imagine the fireworks between these two and can't wait to get out to see it! Go! Bring your friends, your families, even your neighbours who voted Conservative!

Fringe Fest

Done and Done and then some

Well, there you go. We did it Ontario. Our votes made sure that the Conservatives don't run away with our Canada. We gave the Liberals a real near death experience and hopefully that'll smarten them up. If that doesn't work, well we've got Jack Layton and the NDP to keep them in line. The saddest part about all of this is a report that I saw this morning saying only 60.3% of Canadians voted! We have to exercise our rights! It's so bloody important. Well maybe we can do something about getting more people to do that over time.

um . . . in other news. The world text messaging record was broken. No predictive text messaging was allowed and they used upper and lower case for the contest. A 23 year old Singaporean woman won. Here's the link: Speed Text . Ps. I think I can beat her record. Any takers? I am going to try it, the old world record of 67 seconds and I think that I can easily surpass that. We'll see just how fast 43 seconds is.

Sunday, June 27, 2004

Vote Vote Vote

This is it, if you haven't voted early, Monday's the day. Check online where you're supposed to go, if you don't have an info card, use photo ID. There are no excuses! Please get out and say your piece, whatever your opinion may be.

Check here for your location/candidate: Vote

Toronto Sightng Part II

Well a little internet elbow grease and some surfing around and I think I may have found the science behind last nights' sighting! I think what myself and several dozen other folks witnessed was a partial and unexpected meteor shower known as the Bootids . Sad, of course that I was caught, yet again, without my video camera or any camera of any sort last night. We watched them for a good 10 or 15 seconds. And if you've ever seen a shooting star, you know it's never that long! How very exciting. According to the article (linked to above) they weren't sure if this particular shower would show it's face this year, but I got to tell you, the three pieces of space rock that I did see last night were pretty awesome. The man made spectacle of The Festival of Fire was overshadowed by a brief glimpse of the universe in action.

Just a side note, if you do get out to watch the fire works (one word?) there will be two more shows, July 1st (Canada Day) and July 3rd. They are also themed, what kind of sucked last night is that on the roof of our building they did not have the musical accompaniment that was programmed to go with it! In the apartment we put it on 98.1 CHFI and they were playing the them from the very popular Wong Fei Hung movies in China - Jet Li played in a lot of those films like the 'once upon a time in china' series-.

okay, that's it, I'm out for today. Happy Pride Toronto. Dunno if I'll get to the parade, have to prepare a Shakespeare audition for tomorrow.

UFO's in Toronto

Watching the fire works display from the rooftop of our building on the waterfront, tonight. myself and about 20 other people caught something in the south eastern sky coming down to Earth at an incredible rate of speed. It seemed to be several bright lights and then as it came into focus, there was one very bright one, almost like a comet and two less brighter ones to the front and back of it, but all moving at the same speed. If anyone has any idea what this could have been, please let me know. I haven't seen anything on any of the science and tech sites that I frequent but I will keep looking. I have limited excperience with the night sky but I know that planes don't go that high and I've never seen anything move that fast, except for satellites but it was burning up --well getting brighter anyway. And it seemed headed for the East, just South of us I hope this wasn't all one run on sentence, but this is exciting. I guess the time of the viewing must have been between 11:00 and 12:00 midnite on the 26th of June. More as I find it out.
