Mind The Net

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Dot Mac

Hiya folks. Just doin' a little self promotion. . . what? really? Yup. There are some pictures of my Celebrity Justice stint in LA up on my home site. Now the site is not so great. I have to find the time to upload my own html, I'm using a dot mac template, so it's kinda basic and crappy.

here's the link, photos!

Monday, October 18, 2004

Celebrity Re run

I spoke with Carlos Diaz today in Los Angeles and he was telling me that his people really loved the segment we did on his show. He said a very huge producer came in and loved the 'Carlos Diaz piece'. There was even talk, though brief about airing it on Extra!

At the very least Carlos said, it's going to be rerunning until they're tired of my mug, which is great. Cuz that means I'll be on American national TV and in Toronto and Vancouver for a long time to come. Being profiled as an actor! He made me look like a movie star. I wish I had been a little funnier and more charismatic, but it was my first interview as myself! Instead of studying Tom Cruise I should have watched Robyn Williams. . . okay sorry, getting away from the topic.

Watch your Toronto 1 on American holidays, I should be on TV around their Thanksgiving which is in a couple of weeks.
And don't forget to tune into Omni 2 for the premiere of 'Metropia', I'll make a brief appearance there too. . . did I mention that already? heh.

Celebrity Justice

TV cameo

Okay, so a brief appearance I made on a show is airing this week. When I shot it the show was called 'bang'. Now it's called 'Metropia'. I don't know which episode, but I play a boxer and the cousin of the lead character played by Walter Alza. Here are the specs!

Metropia airs Monday to Friday at 10:30 p.m. on Omni.2
starting Oct. 18, with all five episodes repeating back-to-
back on Omni.1 Sundays starting at 9 p.m.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Creation? Evolution? Crazy bag lady in disguise?

Just before the movie (reviewed below) while I was waiting for friend Gina at Starbucks next to the Paramount, I got into a heated discussion with this old lady about Creation vs Evolution. She was telling me that Evolution had been debunked, that all the top scientists had been saying there was no proof for it!!! I was like, um . . . what are you reading?! The top scientists from where, your crazy brain?! And She said it was proven false and I said, 'you mean like the shroud of turin?' and she freaked out again saying IT was real and did I mean that the crucifixion was not real, and I'm like 'no, I didn't say nothing about the cross, I'm talking about the damned shroud.'

She claimed to teach 'bible proofs' at U of T, at two different campuses, but I wonder if she even does. She called me 'closed-minded' and 'just like [her] students' and kept saying things like, 'people like you.' and I wasn't going to let her get away with it, so I asked -calmly I might add - 'in what part of this discussion have I been closed minded? Excuse me but, I don't know by what criteria you're judging me but I clearly said, I would read the book you're talking about and consider that there might be another version of what really happened in the universe. How is that closed minded?'
She was quiet. And then went on to judge me in some other way, I can't remember which now. . . but I also said at some point: 'I never said I didn't believe in God, but why can't you just for a second consider the possibility that God created evolution? I mean, you're not giving him enough credit are you?' Wooo hooo! Spark of argument! She said it's written and the bible this and Jesus that and I'm like, I can't believe you teach people and that people like you are still around!!! I didn't say that of course.

All right, I've lost the lucidity in my storytelling, but I'll conclude with the end, I told her I had to leave to see a movie - a comedy I wouldn't tell her which - and she said she wanted to see me in Heaven. Not like she wanted me to die, but she wanted me to be such a good boy that I would end up there. I said, 'okay, but you'll have to look pretty hard AND it's going to be awhile.' Then, since we had talked about me making movies, she had me pegged as a young filmmaker, a hopeless one I might add since I'm 'so young how could [I] possibly write stories with any kind of experiential foundation (?)', she added, 'don't make dirty movies.' I explained that those sorts of films didn't inspire me, told her to take care and good bye. . . then I got outside and shook off the whole experience, she had made me feel dirty.

Having said that, let's open the floor here. . . what do you think; Creation? or Evolution? Or do you like the possibility of my bridging theory, creative force of universe (God whatever) designed evolution. . . hmmm. . . maybe I don't want to use 'designed'...but you know. Tell me what you think. I'm going to find articles on the Shroud of Turin, I'm not crazy right? They did carbon date those to 13th Century France? I'm sure it was something like that. Anyway, I'm out of here.

Policing the World

Saw the "Team America" film today. Holy fuck is it offensive! But I loved most of it. So much work went into the sets and the marionettes themselves, they are although still puppets, a much more advanced breed than those of the TV series 'Thunderbirds' of old. The detail in their faces is pretty cool. Now the film itself is sophmoric, but there's nothing wrong with that! It spares no one either, which is fair I find. What I found interesting is that their is no mention whatsoever of GWBush. I mean his doctrine is all over it, but he himself was spared a gruesome fate or even a light ribbing. Then again, as I said just now. . . the entire film is taking the piss out of his 'world police' ideals.

Reminds me of a radio call in show several months ago, maybe even a year or two (memory is not what it was) where people were calling in and raging against the War Machine and one woman called up, from Buffalo and said upon hearing the U.S. referred to as the 'Police of the World' that it was "flattering and everything but. . .". She was 'Flattered'. It was meant to be derogatory. And the film really plays on this kind of arrogance and ignorance. The sad part is, that they don't make Americans look very good. . . well, in fact no one comes out looking good. But the truth is, that not all Arabs are terrorists and not all Americans are Bush. A lot of people in the States, in fact the majority . . . ahem, didn't vote for him!

Anyway, although the movie had some slow spots and some things were overused, I had a really good time. I loved, LOVED the musical numbers. I won't say which is my fave in case you haven't seen it yet, but man oh man there's a beauty in there.

That's all I have to say. It's not for kids, not for your parents unless they're like second year university and male. But I saw it with a lady friend and she appreciated that they spared no one, but agreed that her jaw dropped a few too many times. I found that I got tired of smiling and also tired of laughing at some of the same stuff, but (!) quite often laughed in disbelief at what they had pulled off and who they had insulted doing it.

I had a coffee before the movie and half a regular sized diet pepsi during, so had to pee in the middle. When I returned I looked at my friend and she said,'you missed a blow job scene'. 'Nuff said I think.