Good Times
Spent five hours or more in a bar with an old friend. Just talking. It was awesome. Good therapy too. But we laughed and ate and drank and talked and I really needed it. So, that's all. We take so much for granted in this world, everyday. I do. Just wanted to make a short list of things I'm grateful for. Well, I did, but it's not for the world to see, maybe you could do it for yourself today.
I can start you off, for example right now, the sun is coming through my blinds from the west and putting two really cool streaks across my screen and it tells me that today is a beautiful day. I've taken my legs for granted and not used them today to go outside. So I'm going to do that now! My cats are sitting on opposite sides of the couch from one another and digesting their dinners. They're content and follow me from room to room, just because they need to be where the action is. Sometimes I yell at them for it, cuz they get underfoot, but next time I think I'll be grateful, cuz I'll probably miss that much later on when they're gone, that's of course presuming I outlive them, which is never a certainty. So I'll just be grateful we're all here together.
It makes me think of people who have family members they don't talk to. I have one. I wish we could talk. Maybe I'll do something about it before it's too late.
I can start you off, for example right now, the sun is coming through my blinds from the west and putting two really cool streaks across my screen and it tells me that today is a beautiful day. I've taken my legs for granted and not used them today to go outside. So I'm going to do that now! My cats are sitting on opposite sides of the couch from one another and digesting their dinners. They're content and follow me from room to room, just because they need to be where the action is. Sometimes I yell at them for it, cuz they get underfoot, but next time I think I'll be grateful, cuz I'll probably miss that much later on when they're gone, that's of course presuming I outlive them, which is never a certainty. So I'll just be grateful we're all here together.
It makes me think of people who have family members they don't talk to. I have one. I wish we could talk. Maybe I'll do something about it before it's too late.