Mind The Net

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Good Times

Spent five hours or more in a bar with an old friend. Just talking. It was awesome. Good therapy too. But we laughed and ate and drank and talked and I really needed it. So, that's all. We take so much for granted in this world, everyday. I do. Just wanted to make a short list of things I'm grateful for. Well, I did, but it's not for the world to see, maybe you could do it for yourself today.

I can start you off, for example right now, the sun is coming through my blinds from the west and putting two really cool streaks across my screen and it tells me that today is a beautiful day. I've taken my legs for granted and not used them today to go outside. So I'm going to do that now! My cats are sitting on opposite sides of the couch from one another and digesting their dinners. They're content and follow me from room to room, just because they need to be where the action is. Sometimes I yell at them for it, cuz they get underfoot, but next time I think I'll be grateful, cuz I'll probably miss that much later on when they're gone, that's of course presuming I outlive them, which is never a certainty. So I'll just be grateful we're all here together.

It makes me think of people who have family members they don't talk to. I have one. I wish we could talk. Maybe I'll do something about it before it's too late.

Thursday Thursday

Well, I've been blogging for a couple of weeks about how badly Thursdays have been treating me. First my sister in the hospital, same day having coffee with ex girlfriend, then running into estranged family member I hadn't seen in years. . .
Two Thursdays later, my father is in the hospital with an irregular heartbeat. The doctors wanted to stop his heart and restart it with the defibs. . . the part they didn't tell him about that particularly crazy sounding idea, according to our family doc- since this happened in emerg- was that he could die. That's right you morons, reboot my father. Anyway he's okay now. Recovering physically, I don't know about emotionally but we'll see. He's even back at work. Then another Thursday goes by. . . and nothing . . . so that's a good sign right? Well, there's a positive way to look at Thursday. . . and this guy's found it!

I guess if you count my testicular ultrasound today. . . no, that's Friday. No results yet btw, just 'yup still there', the cist is. 'Well, what about my huge left nut you fucking quacks!?' Can I get some service around here? And not with a smile, not when I'm talking about possibly having to have someone cut open my scrotum and take out one of my nuts. . . um. . . judging by how dizzy I just got--this conversation is over.

I once, many years ago, stayed over at a friends' house who was in medical school. She and two other women lived together, all studying to be doctors, and to my knowledge, all are now. Anyway, one day they had me over and the three of them were laughing like a set of witches around a cauldron, and asked if they could cut open my scrotum to prove that the length of cabling in there is more than 3 miles. I'm not kidding. That's like 4,800 metres of Vas Deferens. . . okay I don't think the Vas covers all that territory, but combined with some of the other cables-yes. . . it was a very unpleasant visit to the doctor dorm. Well, at least until they brought out the tequila and panties!

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Cool Comics

There are some amazing comics that have come to my attention recently, one is old, like 20 years old and the other is happening right now! Both have incredible story telling at their hearts. If you care about this sort of thing, here they are:

In Brightest Day

Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Dutch Oven

Oh yes and I have a friend in from Amsterdam. A friend that pops in and out of my life from time to time.
Had a couple of beers, caught up, cried a bit even. It's nice. She's in town for some conference, I am going to some of the speaker thingies. . . she's part of OISTAT, International association of scenographers and theatre architects
and technicians. Not to be confused with OOOHFIEAOOH. (Ontario institute of UFOlogy)

Life has a funny way of bringing things back into your conscious awareness. With this friend, we always end up examining the why's and the wherefores (which is funny, because wherefore actually means 'why'). Different from other friends, when we're just examining the thighs and the cheap whores.

Don't ask, it's early. And I'm goooin' to the doc-torz and I'm . . . etc

Oh and this is neat (via metafilter). One of the greatest minds of our time. I had a book of his, that I can't find! It's got to be somewhere. I loved that book.

Goin' to the Dr'z

I'm goooin to the doc-torrrzz and I'm. . . gooonna get fawwwndled,
cuz I got... an ex-tra tes-ti-cle.

It works if you try and put it in the last line of the song (goin to the chapel). Anyway, I'm a little nervous. I had an ultra sound a few years ago, maybe two. They said, 'ah it's a cist. they come and go (I love how much we know about our bodies), if it gets bigger or starts to hurt, come back'. comforting. It's bigger. It hurts. I'm coming back. Wish me luck!

goooin to the doc-torzz and I'm . . .

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Evolution AND Creationism?!

Check it out. This is most exciting! Oldest bipedal human ever, no it's not Bob Hope.

And then there's the scary stuff. . . member that horrible movie with Marlon Brando and Val Kilmer and Mini Me? it was based on an incredibly inspired book. . . and now it's the stuff of science journals. via boing boing

I personally am looking forward to being reincarnated as a mouse. Like in the Hitchhiker's Guide or Pinky and the Brain.
Just not with Alzheimers. . . I can't get my head around this, it's nuts. From Aborted fetuses?! I always wondered what they did with them. . . well, now we know.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Cleaning Day

Friend arriving from Amsterdam tomorrow, staying for the week. Gotta make this place presentable!
Not gonna have a story for a few days. But will try! Especially with the popularity of the 'N-ergy Suckers' story. The part II is about a text message fight with a woman that went Glenn Close on me. But, it was partly my fault for not really being clear with her. . . then again, when someone says, 'I'm not having sex with you.', why would you continue pressing them and ask, 'how about just some snuggling then?'. . .cuz you're desperate and pathetic and only hear what you want to hear. She thought it was refreshing that I didn't want that on the first date!! I should have walked away at that point. I didn't which is why I feel so stupid and angry now. At least she didn't try to boil my kitties.
Also, it's funny how I said I didn't have time, but still went into it. I'll see how much I get done before my date tonight. This time with an intelligent woman who is actually pretty and not desperate. Refreshing.