Mind The Net

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Cindy Sheehan answers/Stephen Hawking Asks

I have never been able to take the kind of arrogant/ignorant insular arguments posited by American republicans in the last two terms of office of the anti christ. I watched this interview, which happened just a couple of days ago, with Cindy Sheehan on MSNBC, she lost her son in the illegal war in Iraq and has gone on a hunger strike to raise awareness and traveled the world to raise awareness to end the war and, that not all Americans, actually only 1/3 support the Bush administrations heinous actions around the globe.

In the interview she is so calm and so confident and especially, non combative that every time the msnbc reporter, Noron(? whatever) assaulted her and tried to make her look like a 'traitor'--i guess is the word in the new Fortress America vernacular, for someone who doesn't agree with government policy-- that I would feel my rage boil up and then be calmed by Cindy's voice and manner. She was no push over either, she did assert herself to clarify some of the classic and commonly accepted misinformation the reporter was spewing, like calling Chavez a dictator.

She said she wants to end the war and wake up the American public. A lot of them need a good shaking, I know. I've heard them speak.

It's also beautiful to note, how one woman can make such an enormous difference. The War has not ended, no, but look at how she stirs up the enemy.Ha ha! I took great pleasure in watching her. Hats off to Cindy Sheehan.

Earlier last week, Stephen Hawking asked on yahoo asked, “How can the human race survive the next hundred years?”.

My answer? Take away the world's military might. Imagine how much good a nation as rich as the U.S. could have done around the world and in their own cities by sending out food and education programs, instead of uranium depleted bullets. Imagine if all their military bases were institutions of learning and teaching and sharing instead of secret prisons for 'people of colour to hate of the month'. Too idealistic?
Absurd? What's absurd is that we're still killing each other over religion and money.
I propose that THIS, what we're living now, is the most absurd ridiculous way of life that we could ever as a species have chosen to follow. Then of course we'd have to do something about religion, but that, is another conversation.

Maybe Professor Hawking, we're not mature enough as a species yet to deserve to survive another hundred years.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Onward Christian Soldiers?!

I have wondered aloud and to myself much in the last few years, as to what could possibly be the the reason for 'dumbing' down the American populace as the Bush Administration is so eager to do. Making a subservient population is not that difficult to understand, not if you want to be a tyrant who rules with an iron fist and gets an immediate response to any command...but. . . I never expected this. Of course, it makes sense. And this is not new, simply new to me. I only just read about this place.

. . . and I have mentioned before the battle between Creationism and Evolution. I've since had a mild re evaluation of Intelligent Design, and not all versions of it, mostly because of this podcast and the fact that this man at least, is distancing himself from Creationists.

It will be a very dangerous world indeed, if we're ruled by mythology instead of science and history. Creationists can't/won't tell the difference between history and mythology.

Well, of course in order to make people buy what you're selling, you have to make them think like you. To ensure future generations will follow your dream and that you're not just a flash in the pan, you need to 're educate' an entire generation.

Be afraid, be very afraid. More afraid than of North Korea even, because this is the cancer that eats us from within. I'm close enough to it, that it's a concern. I would really hate to see the world fall into the hands of this new aggressive Christian movement. . . well, further than it already has.

19 Years, Lost.

Imagine being this dude? This is really crazy because if you read the article and think about all the other people that have been in coma's and unplugged, does it mean that some of them could have been 'healed'? Well, not all of them of course, but some? And the repercussions of that? Maybe in the future with the right brain stimulation, they could make brain damage heal itself. 19 years wow.

Also, hate mosquitos? check it!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Close Call Tonight!

I all but forgot this was happening and now i realize it's tonight!
We're going to have an interstellar visitor. . . well, flyby. An asteroid is going to 'buzz the tower', the tower being Earth, tonight. Don't delay, click on the link and go see for yourselves. If you have telescopes see if you can find it. I'm certainly going to give it a shot:

"A large asteroid will make an exceptionally close approach to our planet early on July 3, passing just beyond the Moon’s average distance from Earth. The space rock is named 2004 XP14."

Oh and don't worry, it's not going to hit us. . .um. . that's what they say anyway.