Mind The Net

Friday, December 24, 2004

Really cool

This was some engineering feat! You've got to see this. Whoever 'you' happen to be. It's pretty intense and they say it's real on the site! Also be sure and check out this fellows other films and flashimations.


Merrry Merry

Hey everyone, I hope you have a safe and happy holiday. I don't 'do' xmas, but I do 'do' hanging with friends. But if you're doing either, please don't drink and drive! And watch out for people that do. Don't travel at peak going home hours, go earlier or later, or stay the night--who knows you might get lucky! Better than getting dead.


Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Um. . . nuts

Here is something for everyone. Heh, not really. Quick story. Many years ago, on my way to Ottawa to visit a friend, I car pooled with something called Allo-stop. You just hitch a ride with someone who is looking for people to share gas costs with and going your way, cool. Not always safe, but cool. So this one time, i get this middle aged woman and she picks up a friend who's wiccan and also carpooling with us. Actually, to this day I can't use my swiss army knife because I loaned it to the wiccan to cut a tuna sandwiche with and . . .um it stinks. Anyway, the driver, the older woman, she's kind of cool and we hit it off. So once I got there she took my number and said she would really like to talk more with me. I thought 'cool, I've never slept with an older woman before'. --heh, I was just a kid, everything is about sleeping with people . . . in ahem those days. . . moving along. My buddy in Ottawa thinks I'm nuts for going out with this lady, it's fine he's got stuff to do and I make plans to go skating on the Rideau with her. I don't have skates. The rentals were all gone or something. But here's the thing, we sit down and have hot chocolates or something and she pulls out this book. She tells me about something called the Urantia book. I go 'what's Urantia'. And she giggles and says, 'that's the name of our planet!' and I go, 'um of course it is. according to whom though?' I mean, I'm open minded right? Well, I wasn't prepared for what she said next. 'That's what our neighbours call us.'. I ask (stupidly), 'our neighbours?'. "Yes, our galactic neighbours.". I . . . see. . . well, she went skating and left me with the book, to read up on Michael (Jesus) and his father and the um. . . galactic political stuff surrouding our planet. You know, the Administration of the Local Universe and stuff. Needless to say, I couldn't wait to get out of there. She let me keep the book, I have it to this day, cuz it's crazy to read. But guess what! It's online. So, now you too can enjoy what I went through, minus the hot chocolate, skating and crazy middle aged woman.

Unrantia baby Urantia

Mecha man!

This guy in Anchorage is building an 18 foot fighting (he hopes) robot! Check out the article and link

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Cell phone disrupts DNA

Another one. Another test that says 'we need more testing, but this is probably dangerous'. . . ever wonder why these studies never find anything definitive other than, 'more testing is needed' cuz the gov't will never let us know because they spy on wireless coms and come on, it's huge business! So yes they're bad for you, use them cautiously. I also read somewhere a while back that headsets didn't help, they just channeled the radiation directly into your inner ear/brain. But I can't find that info online again. . .


Mcguinty Squeezes

Okay, we stuck up for ourselves at Queen's park and we got our foreign tax credits upped from 11% to 18%. Domestic are up from 20 to 30%, (maybe we can have our own film industry!). But now they're calling for a flu pandemic!
('pan' must be worse than 'epi'-- I'm an actor not a scientist.)
Worse than SARS. What the hell. They'll probably come at the same time. That would suck--hope our luck holds out. Not to be cold, this strain of influenza is expected to wipe out something like 7 million people.

Dating Game

Wow, it's nuts out there. Every day a new update for sympatico will give you tips on dating, on being single, on body language during your first date. Does no one like being alone? I have a friend who's content with it. She read this book I, personally am finding great contentment in it right now. I don't have a bachelor pad, I have a fortress of solitude. That's empowering no?

And hanging out with exgirlfriends from way back, seems to be a good deterrent to wanting to get involved with anyone on this planet at all.

Course, when I do feel like asking someone out, my confidence is gone! What the hell happened? Does one really need alcohol to find that kind of courage? It's certainly easier, if you can see straight. . . or even stand up. . .'hey baby, you a female? wanna go out?'

Anyway, I did blow an 'asking out' moment yesterday, just kept talking and then said goodbye. . . wow, what a maroon. Not like me at all. And I also spent an exorbitant amount of time with an exgirlfriend who got so under my skin, I tried to apply cream and hope that she would disappear.

Then there are people who are happy with others. Bless you and may you stay that way. But for those of you like me, I guess we find happiness in what we are, what we do and that's a lot. Why do we --some of us-- feel like we need to be searching for soul mates all the time? They don't exist! They're romanticized in novels and stupid Jude Law Movies. We should be content with what we've got. And I have a lot, so I'm fine.

But I still feel dumb when I obviously let a moment pass. . .shit, burning lunch!!

Monday, December 20, 2004

Banana update!

So remember how I had a bananaccident with my cell phone and had to get another one and I was the only guy licking my phone on the streetcar? No? Well, you have to go back and look at the entry. . .
Basically, I wrote in 2 banana guard and told them my story.
here is the response i got from them!

From: www.bananaguarduk.com
Subject: Re: testimonial
Date: November 29, 2004 17:47:32 EST

Hello Charlie,

This is great. I will definitively add a testimonials to the site. Guess
what, yours will be the first one.

Thanks for sending the email, much appreciated...


How about that? You see, you can get things done with an email. I'll have to check back on the site once in awhile to see if I'm on there.

Red BullShit

I only just heard about this, because I'm not a club person, or hedonist like the people who go to clubs are. But it's also marketed as a sports drink. I was told it would affect my heart rate and it was 'okay' tasting. Well, it's not. It's shitty tasting and now I find out it's been banned in two countries in Europe. Of course it has, it's like the 'jolt cola' of the 90's. It's stupid and dangerous. People mix it with alcohol too. That way you can dance all night. And continue to smell the sweat and red bull breath on your fellow wannabes--lol, funny and gross.
