Rage against the machine. . . washable?!
I got on the streetcar today to head home from Spadina Station. . . and I got on it with a group of foreign exchange kids. . . they were from the planet 'Don't Bathe Today' and they stunk up the entire car! I opened as many windows as I could, as subtly as I could--being Canadian (read diplomatic, unless you're thinking of Chretien) I didn't want to offend them, even though they offended me. I mean what's wrong with it? Bathing. You don't have to waste water. If you have a skin condition, okay you're out don't worry. Use deodorant though. Wash your hair every couple of days, not once a week or month. And I'm not blaming any particular race of people, these kids were from all over the world. I know Europeans aren't usually as neurotic as we are. . . but why does that mean that those of us with particularly sensitive schnauzes have to put up with their assault?!
I couldn't believe it. Brush your teeth, stinky. Wash your hands after you wipe. Clean your asses. Something. Please.
I couldn't believe it. Brush your teeth, stinky. Wash your hands after you wipe. Clean your asses. Something. Please.
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