Mind The Net

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Predators Among us

Vancouver women are being warned about a sexual predator who has most likely struck twice and attempted another since September of last year. Isn't there a way to form some kind of coalition of men that are concerned about the women in their lives, who all own rifles and want to go out sexual predator hunting? Can we start one of those? We've all read about it. Communities that have taken matters into their own hands, what's wrong with that? I'm just sounding off a bit. I'll do a search and add some interesting links here to supplement.


Interesting, I found a National Incident Notification Network, you have to register to get the alerts, but this is something where police forces are reaching out to the public. It's a good step I think and probably safer than my vigilante idea. They even have a live online scanner!

More later as I find. it. This site seems to be more about reporting stuff. . .

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Blade Trinity?!

WTF?! I had heard it was bad, I had been warned it was ridiculous. . . but good lord. I hated the writing, I hated the directing, I hated the acting, I hated the editing, I hated the inability to tell a story, I hated 'Drake', I hated the pacing. . . what the hell piece of garbage was that?! Like several unimaginative music videos strung together with long drawn out, pointless dialogue scenes, further strung together by "cool people walking in slow motion" scenes. . . I'm not kidding. Parker Posey, whom I normally love. . . was out of this world bad. She did have a believable moment in there somewhere, but for the most part-NO. Wesley Snipes is wasted in this film, that cool guy schtick is no good here, how about some levels pal? Ryan Reynolds. . . what were you thinking?! As Comic relief? Then give him a decent script for fuck's sake. And the kid is a good actor, he's easy on the eyes ladies and buff, buff in a 'I want to wrap myself up in a frumpy sweatsuit and never leave the house again' kinda way. But what the hell were those lines? Did you make those up on the spot, Ryan? The 'comedy' lines he was given or made up didn't work. It was misplaced! Stupid, unfunny and poorly directed. Kris Kristofferson. . . just plain sucked. One note-again. "Drake" is supposed to be the original? The 'born perfect' being?! He was useless!

The only good thing, and I mean this sincerely, the only good thing was being able to look at Jessica Biel for the length of the movie. And her acting is also good, just who directed this?! Well, I checked. David S. Goyer. I thought 'must be some kind of shitty music video director', no offense to the good music video directors, but he's not. He made some other film before this, also starring Snipes. I didn't do an indepth on his bio, just enough to see and be frightened by the fact that he wrote 'Batman Begins'. I hope it's not ruined like this confounding, slapped together piece of absolute garbage.

I want to hire that old woman from "The Princess Bride" in the dream sequence where Buttercup marries Humperdink, who confronts Buttercup and is screaming 'Boo! Boo!. . . Bow down before the Queen of Garbage!' to appear at every possible theatre in this city and yell at people who buy tickets to the film. It is a travesty and should be burned.

I highly recommend no one see this. I highly recommend someone give Ryan, Wesley and Jessica some good scripts and soon(!) to wash away the damage this will do to their very souls. No one can cleanse me of the poison it poured on mine.


A great article by Bruce Schneier on how to keep your PC safe. Have a look! Have a safe, hackfree holiday.


Monday, December 13, 2004


Okay, I'm hooked. I did it. I downloaded a David Hasselhoff song, 'Looking for Freedom' Apparently he sang at the top of his lungs in the first concert to be held after the fall of the Berlin Wall. It's . . . moving. . . my bowels. You can clearly hear the distortion added to his voice, like what they do to Cher now that she's too old to do anything.

I wasn't able to download any more than just the one, channels were too busy. I wish i could find a way to share this with all of you.

In the meantime, here's something very exciting and fascinating!

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Oh Dear

Well, just when you think the web has brought you everything. . . you find the David Hasselhoff is the antichrist website
and THEN you go to his own website and are tempted to buy an album just to say you have it, but maybe that's something better pirated off a p2p network and not admitted in daylight hours? Yes I think so. Well, here are the links!

Antichrist Oh, this site is only really funny for the pdf you can download that talks about David Hasselhoff playing a huge role in the fall of the Berlin wall. Really.

Official site Oh yeah baby. Still, not a very exciting site at all. But you can get to celebrity pics from it, cuz don't forget he's actually in the Spongebob square pants movie as himself.

This is the right time to admit this I guess, but I own an autographed headshot of David Hasselhoff. . . maybe there's never a right time to admit that? Should I put it on ebay? Any takers right now?

Home Sick

Not Homesick, but Home sick. I've been cooped up for so many days, a short walk to the video store jolts my leg
muscles because they've atrophied. Sitting on the couch watching too much CSI can do that as well. When you're body
is spasming on it's own to try and get exercise, you know you're in trouble.

Anyway, I've seen some choice television. And I rented tonight, an incredibly beautiful film. It's called "Hero", I missed it in the theatres recently. It's a martial arts film, of course starring Jet Li, but so much more. I haven't seen images/colours like it since Kurosawa's "Dreams" and the story was very engaging. I'm not much of a reviewer cuz I'm sick and can hardly think, so i'll just finish up by saying, if you like martial arts and astonishing imagery on film, see this. Music is awesome too. I'm floored is all I'm trying to say.

Looking forward to this week, season 3 of 24 is already out on DVD, so time to pull an all dayer and watch 'em straight through. I haven't seen a single episode since February, when I was in Vancouver shooting the Dead Zone--

Speaking of which(!!) if you get Space channel in Canada. Saturday December 18th at 7pm --
The Dead Zone, episode 'Collison'.

Yup, I'm in it. Yet another of my dramatic Paramedic roles. I auditioned for another one this past week. Won't get it though, was horribly out of it at the audition, due to being sick you see.
