Mind The Net

Friday, January 21, 2005


Not like the alien kind, but kind of--American. Friend in from out of town. Will write when opportunity presents itself!
Friend drove in from New York, took a long time and then when she finally did get here, we stayed up till 6:am chatting and catching up. Figure we haven't seen each other in about ten years or so.

This dude doesn't sleep.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005


I've noticed that many new blogs and old ones as well, are dedicated to something, anything. I have two here that I'm goinig to link to. If I were to dedicate mine to something it would have to be Mi-5, the awesome BBC spy drama.

Bill Sparks an old friend of mine from Tony and Tina's wedding, has a blog dedicated to online poker. He's a computer geek, a comedian and a poker fanatic, have a look. link

This woman I read an article about in the Toronto Star today. It was in yesterdays star but I only just saw it. I checked out her sight and found it very interesting. She's going to make a million dollars this year. That's what she says, she's an indebt student from the IAOD (international academy of design), and if you've ever known anyone that went there for anything, you know it's crazy expensive. link

And my favourite show as of this moment. It airs Saturday nights at 10pm on A&E. I own first and second seasons on DVD, if anyone wants to borrow them. In second place is 24. If it weren't so preposterous some times, I would be happier. And what's the deal with power hungry, manipulative women all being black?! What are they telling us?


True story: when I was a little boy in Chile, I was having nightmares.
i was about 3 years old and my grandmother took myself and my sister into town to see the local witch. . . no joke. Or wiccan, whatever- she was a kind of a healer. She let us play on her piano and went out into the back yard to collect things, when she came back in she performed a little ceremony and waved a stick over my back. She didn't touch me but apparently I screamed very loudly. The nightmares stopped.

The really overwhelmingly scary part of this story is that I didn't find out about this till i was nearly 30. I was sitting around after dinner shooting the shit with my sisters, when one of them says, 'like the time that (Carlos) was exorcised!' And they both laughed, I didn't I just looked at her and said, 'what are you talking about?'

They both stopped and looked at me like I was from Venus and they hadn't met any Venusians 1, 2, 3 yet. This was like common family knowledge that had somehow escaped my attention. They couldn't believe that a) I couldn't recall it and B) I had never heard the story from anyone before just then!

I had nightmares again in my twenties, they were cured by finding a true love who proceeded to rip out my heart and stomp all over it and eat my soul.
I prefer daemonic possession.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005


Just a couple of very interesting links to pass on to my avid readers (both of you). All, by the way, via Metafilter.

The first one is a video link to Zed TV, you'll need media player. It's an interview with famous Baghdadi Blogger Salam Pax.

The second link is a work in progress updated every tuesday and thursday, an online novel. I've been meaning to try something like this. . . soon, maybe.

And last but not least, surely. A little dash of Hasselhoff to round off the day.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Sleep comes like a drug . . .

Can't sleep. Finished up watching shows, finished up doing things before bed. Got ready for bed. Got into bed. Sleep no come. Instead, old wars, conversations, new stresses. I was never an insomniac. . .but I did sleep all afternoon. Still i was tired come 2:am and hit the sack, but nothing. Just endless babble in my head.
Wtf...even the cats are resting now. This is usually the time they're running around trying to stop me from sleeping. Maybe I'll go bug them, press on their bladders and nibble on their baby fingers till they get up and feed me.

Ali G riot

Soap Anyone?

I go to a legion party to hear a fantastic band 'Live Country Music', they were actually awesome. I'm not crazy about country music, ever. Upbeat tunes, people dancing everywhere and some cool Molson Stock Ale beer! My only complaint. . . all the folks who think it's okay to go out in public without washing when you have an option. It stunk in there of dirty mammals. Everywhere I looked there was unwashed pillow head. Okay, some may have been touque head, that would make sense given the temperature outside. But the smell? Fine, be an artist, be an anarchist, but be considerate, some of us have very sensitive noses and go to great lengths to not nasally offend anyone. It just makes social interaction more pleasant. For me anyway. Man I was out of my league. Even the really pretty girl I was sitting next to hadn't bathed. She didn't smell thankfully, but obviously had a layer of unclean on her skin and oil in her hair. . . still, very pretty. . .heh.
Who you calling neurotic? I had to wash my hands over and over again and bathe before bed when I got home!