Mind The Net

Monday, March 07, 2005

Cleaning Day

Friend arriving from Amsterdam tomorrow, staying for the week. Gotta make this place presentable!
Not gonna have a story for a few days. But will try! Especially with the popularity of the 'N-ergy Suckers' story. The part II is about a text message fight with a woman that went Glenn Close on me. But, it was partly my fault for not really being clear with her. . . then again, when someone says, 'I'm not having sex with you.', why would you continue pressing them and ask, 'how about just some snuggling then?'. . .cuz you're desperate and pathetic and only hear what you want to hear. She thought it was refreshing that I didn't want that on the first date!! I should have walked away at that point. I didn't which is why I feel so stupid and angry now. At least she didn't try to boil my kitties.
Also, it's funny how I said I didn't have time, but still went into it. I'll see how much I get done before my date tonight. This time with an intelligent woman who is actually pretty and not desperate. Refreshing.


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