Mind The Net

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Home phone ET?

In the 70's a couple of scientists sent up a message to space (The Arecibo Message), included in this message was an image of humans. I've seen it a couple of times, I'm not sure I remember exactly, they also included the structure of our DNA. So, I guess, theoretically, if someone got it they could have made copies by now. They could send back creepy copies of homo sapiens, that looked exactly like us but got everything else wrong. . . cool. Oh wait a minute. . . George W. Bush!!!!!

Anyway, that was a small collaboration, it was done again closer to the turn of the century with a more elaborate message. Now, anyone can do it! You can even text message aliens. How awesome is that? Oh and Craigslist is going up into space too.

I just summed up the entire article pretty good without meaning to. I think we need to be more excited about the prospect of finding life in the Universe that isn't microbial and easily dismissed as happy accident (that's a stupid term: happy accident), a space dog, or friendly Vulcans or a tribe of enormous people with two sets of lungs from one of Saturn's moons-also friendly and peaceful. Anything to shut up those creationists. I'll give 'em a dislcaimer for their text books:
"warning: published in the bible belt, may contain stupid."


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