Mind The Net

Monday, January 10, 2005

Flip Floppin' Underhanded Bastards

That's our Canadian Government I'm talking about. Everyone remembers Martin saying, no weapons in space. 'Canada will have no part in it.'. Did I miss something or is that simply a very specific way out for him? Is he ignoring that that's what missile defense implies? And a missile shield around North America--that's a good idea?! I'm setting the link here, for you to decide.

Of interest, there is also the open letter from the Union of Concerned Scientists to Mr. Martin, have a read at

Maybe Martin doesn't want to be Prime Minister anymore. If he lets Bush
use NORAD to make us help him erect this missile defense plan--he's going to be out. But we may all be screwed no matter what. The missile defense shield doesn't even work, so what's the real point of pursuing it?


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